Canadian Assembly Zonal Forum Environmental Scan: A Request for Input (2024)

Canadian Assembly Zonal Forum Environmental Scan: A Request for Input (2024)

The Canadian Assembly of Narcotics Anonymous (CANA/ACNA) has been serving the Canadian Fellowship for over 30 years. During this time there has been continuous growth both in maturity and services provided. However, the world within NA and outside of NA changes, bringing about both opportunities and challenges. In an effort, to prepare for the future we need to formulate a plan that will help us maximize our opportunities and minimize our challenges.

One of the significant ways we gather information about trends inside and outside the fellowship is through partnerships with Regions, Areas, Groups, Service Bodies and NA members at large in Canada. These extra sets of eyes and experiences help to offer unique perspectives on the needs of our fellowship going forward. It is in this spirit we ask members to offer their input using this document which is a vital part of our strategic planning process.

As you consider responses to the questions below, please take note of the services the Canadian Assembly currently offers either as an active Work Group or as ongoing Routine Services


Goal 1: Improve External Recognition and Develop Relationships (Professionals, Government Agencies and Potential Members)
Goal 2: Identify, Coordinate, Assess Resources (Human, Financial)
Goal 3: Build Relationships with Member Communities and Foster Unity
Goal 4: Build, Develop and Support NA in Remote Communities

CANA/ACNA Vision Statement

Inspired by the primary purpose of the groups we serve; our Vision provides direction for all the efforts and actions of the Canadian Assembly of Narcotics Anonymous. In our vision is a time:

• When addicts throughout the geographic expanse we serve need no longer suffer and die without having had the opportunity to discover and experience the miracle of recovery offered by Narcotics Anonymous.

• When the NA message of recovery is freely carried in every language and across all boundaries of culture, ethnicity, and geography from coast to coast to coast.

• When the Canadian Assembly is universally recognized as a dynamic and reliable resource for NA services and information.

• When every member, inspired by the gift of recovery, experiences spiritual growth and fulfillment through service.

This vision directs all our service efforts. With the guidance of a loving Higher Power, we strive towards these ideals.

CANA: Canadian Assembly of Narcotics Anonymous
ACNA: L'Assemblée Canadienne de Narcotiques Anonymes
CCNA: Canadian Convention of Narcotics Anonymous

In doing this work, we want to consider:

A. Is the functioning of the Canadian Assembly Zonal Forum (CANA/ACNA) aligned with the vision statement, and our goals.

B. What are the actions/values/purpose that the Canadian Assembly Zonal Forum (CANA/ACNA) is practicing – is this what is needed to fulfill Canadian Assembly Zonal Forum (CANA/ACNA) vision.

C. What can the Canadian Assembly Zonal Forum (CANA/ACNA) as a service body, do to support our current success and improve in places where we are deficient?

The Principles we identified are:
- Awareness
- Collaboration
- Unity
- Inclusiveness

“How does this principle appear in our work together (The Canadian Assembly Zonal Forum and the Canadian fellowship)?” (What is working)

“How can we better reflect this principle in our work together (The Canadian Assembly Zonal Forum and the Canadian fellowship)?” (What is not working)